Speech & Drama

Dorothy Scully (LLSM)

Dorothy Scully (LLSM)

Speech and Drama is an important part of the curriculum here in St Finian’s , Killyon. For almost twenty years Dorothy Scully (LLSM) has been coming to the school to do Speech and Drama with all children from Junior Infants up to Sixth class.

Children engage in a fun and enjoyable way with conversation, communication, pronunciation, public speaking and Musical Theatre. Those who wish to do so, are encouraged to take graded exams in Communication Skills from 1st to 4th Class and Public Speaking for 5th and 6th. Many of our current and past pupils have done these exams and get a great sense of achievement and satisfaction from the experience.

Indeed, this is the first year that we are not going to do the exams due to Covid, but will be back on track next year hopefully. We are very grateful to Dorothy for her commitment to the school, her courtesy and professionalism.